qgis2web to export and share interactive maps
QGIS is an open-source GUI for working with GIS data, both for spatial analysis and creating beautiful maps. One of my favorite components of QGIS is its qgis2web plugin that makes it quick and easy to convert a styled QGIS map into a browser-based slippy map that can be easily shared. qgis2web currently supports generating output in three (3) popular formats: OpenLayers, Leaflet, and MapBox GL JS. This post covers the basic process of preparing a QGIS project to generate polished interactive maps via qgis2web.
I discovered QGIS a few years ago. Over time it has become my go-to desktop GUI for GIS work.
Click here for the interactive map.
QGIS Project
I setup an example project in QGIS that uses an OpenStreetMap base layer (from QuickMapServices plug-in) plus two layers of U.S. Census Bureau data loaded from a PostGIS database I had handy. One layer provides boundaries and labels for the counties in Colorado, the other visualizes population density by block group.
Webinar: PostGIS Queries and Performance (4/6)
Below is the recording of my PostGIS Spatial Queries and Performance Tuning webinar from February 11, 2020. This is the fouth in a series of six covering how I work with PostGIS and OpenStreetMap.
I had a great time presenting this session, I hope having this recording available is helpful. Below the video is a list the links showing throughout the slides.
Webinar: Exploring OpenStreetMap from PostGIS: Tools and Queries (3/6)
Below is the recording of my Exploring OpenStreetMap from PostGIS: Tools and Queries webinar from January 28, 2020. This is the third in a series of six covering how I work with PostGIS and OpenStreetMap.
I had a great time presenting this session, I hope having this recording available is helpful. Below the video is a list the links showing throughout the slides.
Webinar: Load PostGIS with osm2pgsql (2/6)
Below is the recording of my Load PostGIS with osm2pgsql webinar from January 14, 2020. This is the second in a series of six covering how I work with PostGIS and OpenStreetMap.
I had a great time presenting this session, I hope having this recording available is helpful. Below the video is a list the links showing throughout the slides.
Webinar: Intro to PostGIS and OpenStreetMap (1/6)
Below is the recording of my Getting Started with PostGIS and OpenStreetMap webinar from December 11, 2019. This is the first in a series of six covering how I work with PostGIS and OpenStreetMap.
I had a great time presenting this session, I hope having this recording available is helpful. Below the video is a list the links showing throughout the slides.