Improved RustProof Labs -- Coming Soon
Another month has gone by without any new posts, and for that I apologize. There is, however, a reason for the silence! I have been working on a number of projects with the largest being reorganizing the RustProof Labs website.
Learning: Music and the Mind
This blog post is completely different than my usual; I'm bringing back a paper I wrote during my junior year of high school. I remember when I was researching for this paper I had a hard time finding credible sources because so little research had been done. Over a decade later there has been very little new research done, and budgets to support music in public school are being cut drastically. (Disclaimer: I did not edit the typos I now see, so don't be a hater)
Take a Vacation, You Deserve It
It's been a while since I last posted... Actually, it's been just over a month since I last posted. Normally when I take vacation I have some articles written in advance that I schedule to post while I'm away, but that didn't happen this time. Probably because my vacation this time was to get married and to take our honeymoon, and believe it or not.... I didn't have much mental capacity in the weeks prior to go around writing up extra posts to fill in the gap. Heck, I didn't even have time to write the posts I thought about writing!
Security Matters and is Taught Poorly
I don't think this will surprise you, but data security is a huge problem and it is not going to go away. What's the biggest security concern for an online system? Injection. OWASP's Top 10 list still includes SQL Injection as the most common issue. If we all know about the problem, why is it still a problem? We have the knowledge of the problem, we have the solution for the problem, and the solution isn't really that tricky.... so why is it a problem still?
Well, today I found a post on a fairly popular tech site from October 2013 that looked intriguing. As I read, I only became more appalled with every paragraph and it's obvious why we still have people creating insecure applications.
Jira On a Budget
Warning: This post is outdated. It is here for reference purposes only.
I've talked about using bug trackers before, but this time I'm going to discuss how I run Atlassian's Jira on a budget. What do I consider Jira "On a Budget?" $10 one time cost with $5/mo to support! In my previous post I was specifically referencing using Mantis BT, and some folks might be wondering why I'm now talking about Jira. The answer is: They're both great for different reasons and purposes.