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Large Text in PostgreSQL: Performance and Storage

By Ryan Lambert -- Published July 05, 2020

Storing large amounts of data in a single cell in the database has long been a point of discussion. This topic has surfaced in the form of design questions in database projects I have been involved with over the years. Often, it surfaces as a request to store images, PDFs, or other "non-relational" data directly in the database. I was an advocate for storing files on the file system for many, if not all, of those scenarios.

Then, after years of working with PostGIS data I had the realization that much of my vector data that performs so well when properly structured and queried, was larger and more complex than many other blobs of data I had previously resisted. Two years ago I made the decision to store images in a production database using BYTEA. We can guarantee there are a limited number of images with a controlled maximum resolution (limiting size) and a specific use case. There was also the knowledge that caching the images in the frontend would be an easy solution if performance started declining. This system is approaching two years in production with great performance. I am so glad the project has a singular data source: PostgreSQL!

This post is part of the series PostgreSQL: From Idea to Database.

Testing TEXT

In this post I test PostgreSQL 12's TEXT data type with a variety of data sizes, focused on performance with larger blocks of text. The TEXT format provides the ability to store any length of text within the field. The documentation explains the storage characteristics:

"Long strings are compressed by the system automatically, so the physical requirement on disk might be less. Very long values are also stored in background tables so that they do not interfere with rapid access to shorter column values. In any case, the longest possible character string that can be stored is about 1 GB." -- Postgres docs

You can find more details about when the compression kicks in on the TOAST page. In a nutshell, when a value is wider than 2 kB (set by TOAST_TUPLE_THRESHOLD) and the default EXTENDED storage method is used, compression automatically kicks in. This information led me to ask the following questions:

Compression Threshold

To get started I wanted to get a feel for where compression kicked in and the rough performance characteristics around that threshold. I created a Jupyter notebook (Download the Jupyter notebook) with code to create a series of tables with differing base_length and variance values, collecting details along the way. The script creates a number of identical tables named using the following format.

CREATE TABLE dev_text.b%(base_length)s_v%(variance)s

An example table name would be dev_text.b65_v25.

The INSERT command is where the difference happens by loading data with varying sizes of text. With base_length=0 the strings inserted have a length in the range of 32 - 800 characters. With base_length=65, the range of string lengths is 2112 - 2880. The variance parameter was consistently set to 25 for all examples in this post.

INSERT INTO dev_text.b65_v25 (val)
SELECT repeat(md5(random()::TEXT),
            65 + ceil(random() * 25)::INT)
    FROM generate_series(1, 1000000) x;

The following chart shows the results of string length versus the total size on disk reported for each table, with base lengths 0 through 95. Size on disk grows linearly with the average string length up through base_length 35. Between base_length 35 and 40, the largest records start being compressed and the size on disk per row starts to decline. By base_length of 65, all values are large enough for compression.

Chart showing how Postgres' default compression reduces text sizes over 2kb in content to around 120 bytes. Actual compression ratio of your data will vary.

Note: bytes_per_row is collected from queries against our PgDD extension views. The bytes_per_row value is calculated using:

pg_catalog.pg_table_size(pg_class.oid) / pg_class.reltuples

Using the results from the above chart, I was able to identify a strategy for where I want to test further. The following table displays details about a few base lengths below and above the compression threshold. At base_length=35 the generated strings have a range of lengths of 1152 - 1920 characters, keeping the largest values just under the 2kb threshold for compression. Without compression, the reported bytes_per_row is a little larger (around 9%) than len_avg for these lengths of text. This is expected.

Adjusting base_length=45 results in less than half of the data exceeding the compression threshold, with a range of lengths of 1472 - 2240. This means some of our text values are being compressed, while others are not. At this point the overall bytes_per_row is now lower than the len_avg by about 25%. Adjusting base_length=65 results in all text values being compressed with a range of lengths from 2112 - 2880, with only 120 bytes per row... this size on disk is 95% lower than the length of the text!

base_length bytes_per_row len_min len_avg len_max
0 0 468.5824 32 413.0560 800
2 10 808.5504 352 739.9104 1120
7 35 1679.3600 1152 1535.5616 1920
9 45 1386.9056 1472 1857.4144 2240
13 65 119.6032 2112 2495.7824 2880

Data ingestion testing

To get an idea of how Postgres handles performance bulk loading this large-text data, big_text initiation scripts and tests were added to our pgbench-tests repo on GitHub. Clone the repo on a test server under the postgres user.

sudo su - postgres
mkdir ~/git
cd ~/git
git clone
cd pgbench-tests

See PostgreSQL performance on Raspberry Pi, Reporting edition for another use for the pgbench-tests repo.

Create a database for testing.

psql -c "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS bench_test;"
psql -c "CREATE DATABASE bench_test;"

Initialize speed

To start testing bulk ingestion speed, initialize the database with 1 million rows (# of rows = scale * 10,000) using base_length=0 to start getting an idea of how performance looks with smaller text sizes.

# Set variables for pgbench
export SCALE=100
export BASE_LENGTH=0

psql -d bench_test \
  -v scale=$SCALE -v base_length=$BASE_LENGTH \
  -f init/big_text.sql

Each test with timing provided was ran a minimum of three (3) times with the average time being reported.

Each test with timings was ran at least times with a drop/create database between runs. Average times are provided.

With base_length=0, Postgres consistently added 1M rows in around 8 seconds. Setting base_length=35 (just below compression threshold) increased the timing to about 19 seconds. At these base_length values, the load timings were consistent.

At base_length=65 (100% compressed) there was considerable variation between the slow and fast end of timings, ranging from 20 to 35 seconds. This is an indicator the larger data ingestion is more sensitive to performance variations. It also shows that the init script itself is limited to single-threaded inserts due to how the query is written. The following screenshot from htop shows how only 1 of 4 available CPUs is being used.

Screenshot of htop in terminal showing the pgbench init of compressed data is bottlenecked with a single (of 4) CPU.

Test INSERT speed

A better guide of INSERT performance with these large text values (for my use case anyway) is to test how well it handles the data coming in via one-off INSERTs.

Each step of testing drops and recreates the database and runs a fresh init. The only thing that changes for each repeated step is the BASE_LENGTH value.

export BASE_LENGTH=0
psql -c "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS bench_test;"
psql -c "CREATE DATABASE bench_test;"
pgbench -c 20 -j 4 -T 600 -P 60 -n \
  -D base_length=$BASE_LENGTH \
  -f tests/big_text_insert.sql \

Run the pgbench test for big text insert performance.

pgbench -c 20 -j 4 -T 600 -P 60 -n \
  -D base_length=$BASE_LENGTH \
  -f tests/big_text_insert.sql \

The pgbench output output shows this server can process 11,398 insert transactions per second (TPS) with relatively small text (23 - 800 characters).

transaction type: tests/big_text_insert.sql
scaling factor: 1
query mode: simple
number of clients: 20
number of threads: 4
duration: 600 s
number of transactions actually processed: 6839292
latency average = 1.754 ms
latency stddev = 6.198 ms
tps = 11398.346050 (including connections establishing)
tps = 11398.425637 (excluding connections establishing)

As the size of text grows to base_length=35 (string lengths 1,152 - 1,920), the TPS drops to 10,322 (-9%). It holds steady at that level of performance all the way up to base_length=100 (string length up to 4,032). By base_length=500 (string length up to 20,160) insert TPS has dropped to 9,024, -13% from lower levels.

Bar chart showing TPS vs. base_length for base lengths from 0 to 500. The bars are taller on the left (0) and shorter on the right(500).


How does write performance compare to not using compression? This can be tested by using the EXTERNAL storage method, see the TOAST page.

I tested the larger text sizes and this showed clear results: compression on even a modestly-powered modern server is a good thing. At base_length=100, using EXTERNAL is 24% slower. As the size of text is increased to base_length=500, it is 63% slower to bypass compression.

Bar chart showing the TPS for two base_lengths (100, 500) comparing the TPS of EXTENDED and EXTERNAL storage methods.

Size on Disk

Of course all the discussion about compression wouldn't be complete without seeing how much compression we are getting. At base_length=500, the compressed data (pgbench table) consumes 264 MB on disk. The same data in EXTERNAL format (pgbench_ext) takes 16GB!

t_name     |size_pretty|rows     |bytes_per_row    |
pgbench    |264 MB     |1000044.0|276.5743267296239|
pgbench_ext|16 GB      |1000000.0|     17164.763136|

Note: The actual compression ratio you get with your production data on your production system will likely be different than these exact results.

Read performance

The pgbench-tests repo includes a few tests for SELECT performance with large text data. There are tests there for both EXTENDED and EXTERNAL storage methods and a few query examples, though I only discuss one of the test queries here. I was looking for any example that would show an advantage for the EXTERNAL storage method. The documentation states the advantage being on substring operations.

"Use of EXTERNAL will make substring operations on wide text and bytea columns faster (at the penalty of increased storage space) because these operations are optimized to fetch only the required parts of the out-of-line value when it is not compressed." -- Postgres docs

I created a quick test for operating on a substring of the text (EXTENDED and EXTERNAL). In every scenario I tried, the default EXTENDED method with compression was modestly to significantly faster than EXTERNAL. One example representative of the overall trend was 3,300 TPS for EXTENDED but only 1,600 TPS for EXTERNAL, 51% slower.


This post put the performance of PostgreSQL with large TEXT objects to the test. I found the compression of text data cuts down on the size on disk upwards of 98%. Further, the performance of storing large text objects holds up well as the size of text increases. Finally, for the scenarios I am interested in, disabling compression not only provides zero benefit, it is detrimental to performance in nearly every way.

The default compression threshold at 2 kB seems decent, though I am curious if adjusting to a lower level (1 kB?) would be beneficial.

All-in all, it was a lot of fun working up the test cases and code to write this post!

Need help with your PostgreSQL servers or databases? Contact us to start the conversation!

By Ryan Lambert
Published July 05, 2020
Last Updated August 04, 2020