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My book Mastering PostGIS and OpenStreetMap is available!

Load the Right Amount of OpenStreetMap Data

By Ryan Lambert -- Published August 24, 2023

Populating a PostGIS database with OpenStreetMap data is favorite way to start a new geospatial project. Loading a region of OpenStreetMap data enables you with data ranging from roads, buildings, water features, amenities, and so much more! The breadth and bulk of data is great, but it can turn into a hinderance especially for projects focused on smaller regions. This post explores how to use PgOSM Flex with custom layersets, multiple schemas, and osmium. The goal is load limited data for a larger region, while loading detailed data for a smaller, target region.

The larger region for this post will be the Colorado extract from Geofabrik. The smaller region will be the Fort Collins area, extracted from the Colorado file. The following image shows the data loaded in this post with two maps side-by-side. The minimal data loaded for all of Colorado is shown on the left and the full details of Fort Collins is on the right.

Image with two maps. The map on the left is a map showing most of Colorado showing place boundaries and major roadways.  The map on the right is a closer view in Fort Collins, Colorado, showing a portion of Colorado State University's campus and residential areas.  The map on the right has details of minor roadways, sidewalks, buildings, and even trees.

Setup Custom Layersets

The first thing to do is setup custom layersets for PgOSM Flex. I create the ~/custom-layerset directory to put the ini files into. The first layerset is defined in ~/custom-layerset/large-region.ini with the following contents. This enables the place layer and road_major layers.


The second layerset is defined in ~/custom-layerset/local-region.ini. I started this layerset with the everything.ini included with PgOSM Flex and removed some layers not needed for the project at hand.


Run PgOSM Flex

This post uses PgOSM Flex version 0.10.1 to load data to Postgres 15 running locally. The instructions in the external Postgres connection explain how to use the Docker container to load data into a Postgres instance of your choice, bypassing the built-in database.

The docker run command needs environment variables set, I do so with this source command.

source ~/.pgosm-db-pgosm-dev

Run the PgOSM Flex docker image using the environment variables from the above command. This docker run command combines details from the External Postgres and Custom Layerset sections of the documentation.

docker run --name pgosm -d --rm \
    -v ~/pgosm-data:/app/output \
    -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
    -v ~/custom-layerset:/custom-layerset \
    -p 5433:5432 -d rustprooflabs/pgosm-flex

It's always worth checking the Docker container is running with docker ps -a.

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                      COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS         PORTS                                       NAMES
e7f80926a823   rustprooflabs/pgosm-flex   "docker-entrypoint.s…"   5 seconds ago   Up 4 seconds>5432/tcp, :::5433->5432/tcp   pgosm

I'm presenting a full day pre-conference session titled PostGIS and PostgreSQL: GIS Data, Queries, and Performance at PASS 2023 in November! I hope to see you there!

Load larger region

The following docker exec command loads the Colorado region using the minimized layerset large-region defined above. The command uses the the new --schema-name option added in v0.10.1 to save the data into osm_co, instead of the default osm.

time docker exec -it \
    pgosm python3 docker/ \
    --ram=8 \
    --region=north-america/us \
    --subregion=colorado \
    --schema-name=osm_co \
    --layerset=large-region \

The above completes on my laptop in 41 seconds to create the 6 tables. The resulting data in the osm_co schema is only 50 MB. Compare this to Colorado with the default layerset weighing in with more than 2 GB and taking closer to 10 minutes.

SELECT s_name, table_count, size_plus_indexes
    FROM dd.schemas
    WHERE s_name LIKE 'osm%'

│ s_name │ table_count │ size_plus_indexes │
│ osm_co │           6 │ 50 MB             │

Load local region

The next step is to extract Fort Collins area data from the larger Colorado region. The osmium tool with the --bbox option makes this easy enough.

cd ~/pgosm-data
osmium extract --bbox=-105.19,40.47,-104.98,40.64 \
    -o co-ft-collins.osm.pbf \

I used Geofabrik's tile calculator tool to get the bounding box used above.

Run PgOSM Flex again using --schema-name=osm_foco and add the --input-file option to define the file created from osmium. Using the local-region layerset this will load far more data items for Fort Collins compared to what was loaded for the larger Colorado region.

time docker exec -it \
    pgosm python3 docker/ \
    --ram=8 \
    --region=north-america/us \
    --subregion=colorado/ft-collins \
    --input-file=co-ft-collins.osm.pbf \
    --pgosm-date=2023-08-24 \
    --schema-name=osm_foco \
    --layerset=local-region \

The above command runs in about 30 seconds. Re-running the query against dd.schemas shows that the osm_foco schema has 39 tables and takes almost 70MB on disk.

│  s_name  │ table_count │ size_plus_indexes │
│ osm_co   │           6 │ 50 MB             │
│ osm_foco │          39 │ 69 MB             │

Let's revisit the image from the beginning of this post. A wide range of OpenStreetMap data is available for the Fort Collins region, while the wider Colorado region has only major roads and place details. This sets up a project for detailed spatial analysis and visualization for the Fort Collins area, while allowing extending visualizations beyond the borders of the detailed data when desired.

Image with two maps. The map on the left is a map showing most of Colorado showing place boundaries and major roadways.  The map on the right is a closer view in Fort Collins, Colorado, showing a portion of Colorado State University's campus and residential areas.  The map on the right has details of minor roadways, sidewalks, buildings, and even trees.


The technique of loading different detail levels for different regions has a wide range of practical uses. Being able to load multiple, targeted subregions with detailed data lets the casual spatial analyst explore without the longer wait times or increased hardware requirements of loading entire larger regions.

Need help with your PostgreSQL servers or databases? Contact us to start the conversation!

By Ryan Lambert
Published August 24, 2023
Last Updated August 24, 2023