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Track performance differences with pg_stat_statements

By Ryan Lambert -- Published May 06, 2023

This is my entry for PgSQL Phriday #008. It's Saturday, so I guess this is a day late! This month's topic, chosen by Michael from pgMustard, is on the excellent pg_stat_statements extension. When I saw Michael was the host this month I knew he'd pick a topic I would want to contribute on! Michael's post for his own topic provides helpful queries and good reminders about changes to columns between Postgres version 12 and 13.

In this post I show one way I like using pg_stat_statements: tracking the impact of configuration changes to a specific workload. I used a contrived change to configuration to quickly make an obvious impact.

Process to test

I am using PgOSM Flex to load Colorado OpenStreetMap data to PostGIS. PgOSM Flex uses a multi-step ETL that prepares the database, runs osm2pgsql, and then runs multiple post-processing steps. This results in 2.4 GB of data into Postgres. That should be enough activity to show something interesting.

Configuration changes

Processes like PgOSM Flex are sensitive to a few configuration options in postgresql.conf. The first configuration change I though of was maintenance_work_mem. While I was in there I decided to drop shared_buffers and work_mem to much lower values too. Just to be sure my tests showed a difference!

My local Postgres 15 instance has these settings for my daily use. This is Configuration A for this post.

shared_buffers = 4GB
work_mem = 10MB 
maintenance_work_mem = 1GB

My comparison, Configuration B, dropped each of those settings to unbearably low values. I imagine setting maintenance_work_mem = 1MB was sufficient for showing a difference.

shared_buffers = 4MB
work_mem = 1MB 
maintenance_work_mem = 1MB

Clean database

Before running each test I setup a clean database with the prerequisites and reset pg_stat_statements for a clean slate.

SELECT pg_stat_statements_reset();

At this point I run the process and wait. While I'm testing PgOSM Flex, you can test whatever you like as long as you have a scripted, reproducible processes in a controlled environment.

The following query is ran after the test run completes. This calcualtes a query_type column with some typical groupings. Some of the query_type values are project specific (e.g. WHEN query ILIKE '%CALL osm%' THEN 'PgOSM Flex processing'). I put this into a temp table so I can further query and manipulate it. This type of querying is often fairly ad-hoc, specific to the database in question.

                    OR query ILIKE 'BEGIN'
                    OR query ILIKE 'SET%'
                    OR query ILIKE '%COMMIT%'
                    OR query ILIKE '%ROLLBACK%'
                    OR query ILIKE '%SHOW%'
                    OR query ILIKE '%LOCK%TABLE%'
                THEN 'Controls/Docs'
            WHEN query ILIKE '%UPDATE%'
                OR query ILIKE '%DELETE%'
                THEN 'Update / Delete'
            WHEN query ILIKE '%COPY%'
                OR query ILIKE '%INSERT%'
                THEN 'Data Load'
            WHEN query ILIKE '%CREATE%MAT%VIEW%'
                THEN 'Create MV'
            WHEN query ILIKE '%CREATE%TABLE%'
                    OR query ILIKE '%CREATE%FUNCTION%'
                    OR query ILIKE '%CREATE%SCHEMA%'
                    OR query ILIKE '%ALTER%TABLE%'
                    OR query ILIKE '%CREATE%VIEW%'
                    OR query ILIKE '%CREATE%EXTENSION%'
                THEN 'DDL'
            WHEN query ILIKE '%DROP%TABLE%'
                    OR query ILIKE '%DROP%TRIGGER%'
                    OR query ILIKE '%DROP%FUNCTION%'
                    OR query ILIKE '%DROP%PROCEDURE%'
                THEN 'Drop objects'
            WHEN query ILIKE '%CALL osm%'
                THEN 'PgOSM Flex processing'
            WHEN query ILIKE '%CREATE%INDEX%'
                THEN 'Create Index'
            WHEN query ILIKE 'ANALYZE%'
                THEN 'Analyze (Stats)'
            WHEN query ILIKE '%SELECT%'
                THEN 'SELECT'
            ELSE 'Unknown'
            END AS query_type,
    FROM pg_stat_statements
    ORDER BY mean_exec_time DESC

From this temp table I aggregate the data into a non-temp table so I can later compare results. For this example I create a stats schema to store the aggregated results.


The following query aggregates a few common values by query_type. The filter on toplevel is optional, I often include it to reduce noise. Other times I leave it out so I can see a more detailed picture of what's happening.

CREATE TABLE stats.agg_config_a AS
SELECT query_type, COUNT(*), COUNT(DISTINCT queryid) AS distinct_query_count,
        COUNT(*) FILTER (WHERE plans > 0) AS queries_with_plans,
        SUM(plans) AS total_plans,
        SUM(calls) AS total_calls,
        SUM(total_exec_time) AS total_exec_time,
        MAX(max_exec_time) AS max_exec_time,
        SUM(rows) AS total_rows,
        SUM(shared_blks_dirtied) AS shared_blks_dirtied,
        SUM(temp_blks_written) AS temp_blks_written,
        SUM(temp_blk_read_time) AS temp_blk_read_time,
        SUM(temp_blk_write_time) AS temp_blk_write_time,
        SUM(wal_records) AS wal_records,
        pg_size_pretty(SUM(wal_bytes)) AS wal_size
    FROM queries
    WHERE toplevel
    GROUP BY query_type
    ORDER BY total_exec_time DESC

After both tests are saved

I ran each test saving the results from pg_stat_statements into stats.agg_config_a and stats.agg_config_b. The following query compares the results of the two tests.

SELECT a.query_type, a.total_calls,
        a.total_exec_time::BIGINT AS total_time_a,
        b.total_exec_time::BIGINT AS total_time_b,
        (b.total_exec_time - a.total_exec_time)::BIGINT AS time_diff_ms,
        (b.total_exec_time - a.total_exec_time) / a.total_exec_time
            AS percent_diff
    FROM stats.agg_config_a a
    FULL JOIN stats.agg_config_b b
        ON a.query_type = b.query_type
    ORDER BY time_diff_ms DESC

│      query_type       │ total_calls │ total_time_a │ total_time_b │ time_diff_ms │     percent_diff     │
│ Data Load             │         245 │       358854 │       393957 │        35103 │  0.09782046502939316 │
│ Create Index          │         119 │        11929 │        17155 │         5225 │  0.43799236073983533 │
│ DDL                   │         202 │         7745 │        12279 │         4534 │   0.5854177939107483 │
│ Analyze (Stats)       │          39 │         3373 │         4878 │         1505 │   0.4462918308554119 │
│ Create MV             │           3 │         1586 │         1740 │          154 │  0.09696164745742934 │
│ PgOSM Flex processing │           2 │         1413 │         1512 │           99 │  0.07015269212804308 │
│ Update / Delete       │          39 │           46 │           68 │           22 │  0.48861133692158826 │
│ Drop objects          │         166 │          118 │          135 │           17 │   0.1403158906113987 │
│ SELECT                │          30 │           65 │           76 │           11 │  0.17006003902495692 │
│ Controls/Docs         │         634 │           38 │           34 │           -5 │ -0.12137879643848994 │


These results can be put into charts easily enough. The first chart shows % difference between timings of query_type. This view of the data does not consider the impact on the total time, only showing the impact by type of operation.

Chart showing the % difference in timings.

The next chart visualizes the total differences in time by query_type. While the above chart shows that data loading (COPY/INSERT) was 10% faster with Configuration A, the following chart shows that 10% difference amounted 35 seconds. On the other hand, the UPDATE/DELETE shows a 50% difference when the total impact was 22 milliseconds.

Chart showing the % difference in timings.


This post showed one way I use pg_stat_statements to track performance in PostgreSQL databases. This basic approach can be used and adjusted for a wide variety of scenarios. Thanks again Michael for hosting this month and the great topic!

My #pgsqlphriday category is getting quite the collection going!

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By Ryan Lambert
Published May 06, 2023
Last Updated May 06, 2023