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Use PostgreSQL file_fdw to Access External Data

By Ryan Lambert -- Published March 27, 2020

Loading external data is a core task for many database administrators. With Postgres we have the powerful option of using Foreign Data Wrappers (FDW) to bring in external data sources. FDWs allow us to access data that is external to the database by using SQL from within the database. These external data sources can be in a number of formats, including other relational databases (Postgres, Oracle, MySQL), NoSQL sources (MongoDB, Redis), raw data files (csv, JSON) and many more.

This post shows how to use file_fdw to load remote data from CSV files available from GitHub. Sharing data via public source control tools like GitHub has become a common way to make data sets widely available. Other public data is available from various government and non-profit sites, so this is a handy tool to have available and reuse.

External data source

For this post I am using the COVID-19 data John Hopkins University is curating. See the main GitHub page for full attribution and meta-details about the data. The specific files I want to load are under ./csse_covid_19_data/csse_covid_19_daily_reports, with one file per date and each file containing the latest details by region. The format of the CSV file has changed at least twice since January, and the level of detail has become more granular as the virus has spread and more data has been collected.

The current file format started on 3/21/2020 and includes data with the following structure. Below is the first record from the 3/26/2020 file. The U.S. data goes down to the county level and includes a latitude/longitude that can be fed into PostGIS for mapping purposes.

┌─[ RECORD 1 ]───┬──────────────────────────────────────────────┐
│ fips           │ 45001                                        │
│ admin2         │ Abbeville                                    │
│ province_state │ South Carolina                               │
│ country_region │ US                                           │
│ last_update    │ 2020-03-26 23:48:35-06                       │
│ lat            │ 34.22333378                                  │
│ lon            │ -82.46170658                                 │
│ confirmed      │ 3                                            │
│ deaths         │ 0                                            │
│ recovered      │ 0                                            │
│ active         │ 0                                            │
│ combined_key   │ Abbeville, South Carolina, US                │

Perpare file_fdw

FDWs are enabled by creating the appropriate extension in the database you need it in. For accessing data in files we use file_fdw.


Next, create the SERVER to use, every FOREIGN TABLE requires a server. The command for file_fdw is relatively simple, no connection parameters are needed in this case.


The following SQL creates the foreign table to connect to the raw CSV file on GitHub. The first line uses CREATE FOREIGN TABLE, adding the FOREIGN keyword in the middle of the standard sytnax. The main declaration of the table itself is like any standard table, name the columns how we like and provide data types matching the source file. The line with SERVER fdw_files OPTIONS is where the magic begins. Using the program option, we can use a wget command to stream the CSV data directly from GitHub (or any URL returning data!) into Postgres.

CREATE FOREIGN TABLE public.covid_staging
    fips TEXT,
    admin2 TEXT,
    province_state TEXT,
    country_region TEXT,
    last_update TIMESTAMPTZ,
    lat FLOAT,
    lon FLOAT,
    confirmed INT,
    deaths INT,
    recovered INT,
    active INT,
    combined_key TEXT
    program 'wget -q -O - ""',
    format 'csv',
    header 'true'

Verify the table was created and includes data with a quick COUNT(*) query.

([local] 🐘) postgres@covid=# SELECT COUNT(*) FROM public.covid_staging;
┌─[ RECORD 1 ]─┐
│ count │ 3421 │

Neat! The remote CSV data is now available. What next?

Persist the data

When loading remote data I normally want to persist the data internally. This JHU data source has a new file for every date of data, so I will create a standard table and load each day's data into that as needed. This is a good time to take advantage of a new feature in Postgres 12, generated columns. I use this to provide a way geometry column converted from the included longitude (x) / latitude (y) values.

CREATE TABLE covid19.daily
    fips TEXT NULL,
    admin2 TEXT NULL,
    province_state TEXT NULL,
    country_region TEXT NOT NULL,
    last_update TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL,
    lat FLOAT NULL,
    lon FLOAT NULL,
    confirmed INT,
    deaths INT,
    recovered INT,
    active INT,
    combined_key TEXT,
    source_date DATE,
    way GEOMETRY(POINT, 3857)
        GENERATED ALWAYS AS ( ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(lon, lat), 4326), 3857 )) STORED ,
    CONSTRAINT pk_covid_daily_id PRIMARY KEY (id)

Create a spatial index on the generated geometry column.

CREATE INDEX gix_covid_daily ON covid19.daily
    USING GIST (way);

COMMENT ON TABLE covid19.daily IS 'COVID-19 daily data loaded from John Hopkins University GitHub repo.  See';

COMMENT ON COLUMN covid19.daily.source_date IS 'Date used in filename of remote file.  e.g.';

Now an INSERT query will load the data from the foreign staging table.

INSERT INTO covid19.daily (fips, admin2, province_state, country_region, last_update,
        lat, lon, confirmed, deaths, recovered, source_date)
SELECT fips, admin2, province_state, country_region, last_update,
        lat, lon, confirmed, deaths, recovered, '2020-03-26'::DATE
    FROM public.covid_staging;

With the data loaded to this table it is easy to start visualizing the results in DBeaver. The first thing that is apparent is the data inside the U.S. is available at a relatively granular level and the data outside is mostly by country. The popup dialog is displaying the values from a single point I clicked on within Maine.

Screenshot showing PostGIS points from the generated column in the table the FDW data was loaded into.

Rinse and Repeat

With the remote data for one day loaded permanently to Postgres, use DROP FOREIGN TABLE public.covid_staging; to remove the foreign table. The foreign table can be quickly recreated linking to a new file for a new date and run the INSERT again to continue loading to the covid19.daily table.


This post has walked through how to use file_fdw to link Postgres to a remote file and load it into a database table. This is a powerful and handy tool for integrating and managing data from a huge number of public data sources.

Need help with your PostgreSQL servers or databases? Contact us to start the conversation!

By Ryan Lambert
Published March 27, 2020
Last Updated March 27, 2020